Let’s pretend that I cook today (Faz de conta que hoje eu cozinho)

Let’s pretend that I cook today (Faz de conta que hoje eu cozinho)

Let’s pretend that I cook today (Faz de conta que hoje eu cozinho)

A handmade artist’s book for children.

Furnished kitchen and tiles made with stamps.

There is a refrigerator full of fresh ingredients.

A cabinet with a pan, a baking sheet and a wood spoon.

A stove and an oven to bake, just under the stove.

It comes with a pretend-play recipes notebook. And the kitchen door opens to the grocery store (it means: a block notes for children to draw their own ingredients to complete their recipes!)

Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
Let's pretend that I cook today - handmade book
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Dimensions: 19x21cm 1st edition: 2015. 100 copies [Sold out]
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